Guild Starlight Foundry -
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We are a guild of master craftsmen and artisans dedicated to perfecting their craft in the land of Verra. We aim for the stars in terms of quality and artistry with our skilled members bringing in years of experience and unwavering dedication, ensuring that every item forged by our hands is of the highest caliber.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a reputation for excellence, becoming a go-to destination for adventurers and fellow guilds seeking the finest craftsmanship in Verra. We plan to embark on a journey of mastery, camaraderie, and prosperity as we forge a legacy of brilliance.

Applicants must be 18+
- Be respectful and conduct themselves positively in the Ashes of Creation community
- Have a strong focus on crafting, trading, and/or caravan defense/exploration
- Have the ability to accept constructive criticism and work as a team
- Must be willing to utilize Discord as it is the preferred form of communication
-Participate in a short interview
- Must be active and engage with members to build a strong, close-knitted guild

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