Guild Knights of Shadowhawk -
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Knights of Shadowhawk is a family orientated guild with a solid core of players with a like-minded sense of honor and integrity. Founded in 2003 in the lands of Norrath (Everquest), the Knights of Shadowhawk was founded on a strict set of values, principles, and our Code of Honor. We welcome all types of players from casual to hardcore, PvE to PvP, and crafters to gathers.

Our Code of Honor
-No cheating, exploiting, hacking or any variation of the sort.
-Respect is given to friend and foe alike.
-To fight with Loyalty, Integrity, and Ambition.
-Have fun, make memories, leave a legacy.

• Speak and understand English
• Abide by our Code of Honor
• Actively play and participate with the guild
• Communication through Discord (Mic Required)
• Motivated to grow within the guild and help it prosper
• Follow the path that lets you have the most fun

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